READy Download

READy Manager is a program for reading meters and handling meter data. In addition to the software, the program requires associated hardware (READy Converter/READy Concentrator) in order to be used for meter reading. 

Please note that the program is available in two versions. Which version you require depends on whether you have a hosting agreement or a support agreement with Kamstrup.

Download READy Manager (Hosted)

Select this option if Kamstrup saves your meter data.

Download READy Manager (Local, version

Select this option if you save meter data on your own computer.

Try READy free for 90 days

Try out the READy system for free for 90 days. Access your free trial version by downloading and installing READy Manager (Local). After installing the application/program, simply enter your "MyKamstrup" login, and a 90-day trial subscription will be issued automatically.

Download READy App

In addition to READy Manager, the READy solution also contains an app for Android devices. The app is used for mobile reading together with READy Converter.