API Access for seamless sharing of READy data with other systems

What is API Access?
Kamstrup API Access provides a secure way for READy to share data with other systems, such as customer portals, GIS, or SCADA. This enables the creation of a digital ecosystem where information from different systems is shared, allowing you to improve your customer service and optimise operations and existing workflows.
API Access is an add-on to READy for those who wish to transfer data easily and securely between their systems. API Access is available to existing Kamstrup-hosted READy customers. It cannot be offered to local READy installations. You continue to have the features in READy you already know, while API Access creates a more fluid information delivery and an integrated user experience when you use READy.
Kamstrup provides a safe way for utilities and third-party developers to develop and test requests through API Access by offering a testing environment we call a sandbox. With this option, it is possible to make the integration and application robust before introducing it into production.
What is an API?
5 reasons to integrate API Access with READy today
Explore the benefits of API Access. When you integrate the software solution with READy, you gain new features and benefits without losing the features you already know from READy.
1. Automate access to READy data
2. Reduce manual processes
3. Stay up to date
4. Keep your data secure
5. Get started with ease with REST API
Comparing API Access to READy export feature. What’s the difference?
API Access for developers: How does API Access work?
Kamstrup API Access is code which governs access points for the READy server. It works in two ways: As a standard REST (Representational State Transfer) API, which is a web service that allows a client to make requests for resources from READy through URL paths, utilising the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This is similar to when you visit a regular webpage where you request a resource stored on a server, and the server responds with the requested information.
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Apart from the regular request-response way of working, Kamstrup API Access can also work as a webhook API. With standard REST APIs, data is served upon request, making them reactive, which means that they react upon request but typically do nothing on their own without prompting from the user. On the other hand, a webhook can handle requests (such as requests to retrieve all meters) and events (such as subscribing to the latest meter readings). Event-driven means that it allows one system to send data to another as soon as a given event takes place. Both webhook and REST API respond in JSON.
From a technical standpoint, API Access enables developers to automate, extend, and combine data from devices such as meters with other systems or services while ensuring data is secure. In practice, this allows developers to create a digital ecosystem, programmatically develop apps and services, and perform other tasks which could previously only be accomplished within Kamstrup’s software suite.
To automatically integrate READy with your IT system of choice, you must have software development capabilities, as this is not part of the offer with API Access.
Kamstrup also offers the product “API Access – Development Environment”, an API sandbox where testing is possible. The sandbox permits programmers and developers to try out changes without altering anything in the live environment. It also allows third-party developers to create solutions and services. The API sandbox provides test data from approximately 5000 meters to enable developers to test new code, mimic real-life occurrences, and create simulated responses. It is a separate product from API Access and is available for utilities and third-party developers. With it, any potential bugs will be caught before implementation, which reduces the cost and risk associated with new responses.
Are you ready to begin using API Access to access data from READy and have already purchased the software?
Do you still have questions about API Access?
Look through our FAQ
What is API Access? The (short) technical explanation
READy API Access is a RESTful Application Programming Interface (API) that can be used to programmatically create apps and services and perform other tasks that could previously only be accomplished within Kamstrup’s software suite. API Access supports regular REST requests and webhooks and is only available to customers hosted in Kamstrup’s hosting environment (at an additional cost).
Do you have examples of how other utilities use API Access?
Different utilities use API Access for different things. Still, some of the significant use cases that we see are:
- Using API Access to build an in-house data warehouse to create the best possible data foundation
- Using API Access to integrate READy with the billing system to ensure billing conformity
- Using API Access to enable the usage of third-party meter exchange tools to update meter exchanges in READy automatically
- Using API access to integrate data into consumer portals or consumer applications, so these are automatically updated with the newest information
What are the overall benefits of API Access?
There are several benefits to using API Access. The significant advantages are:
- Make READy interoperable with other systems
- Automate manual processes
- Rely on the newest data and alarms
- Reflect changes from one system back into READy
- Securely transfer data between systems
- Get your software developers started quickly
What is the difference between a REST request and a webhook?
In standard request-response REST APIs, data is served upon request, making them reactive. That means that they react upon request but typically do nothing on their own without prompting from the user. On the other hand, a webhook is event-driven, which means it allows one system to send data to another as soon as a given event takes place.
Is API Access secure?
Yes. API Access supports delegated OAuth2 access, which means that all external service calls must include a valid OAuth2 authentication token as a Bearer Token. Authentication tokens check that users are who they claim to be and that they have access rights for the specific API call they are trying to use. The token is created based on a tenant ID, a client ID, and a client secret. Additionally, webhooks/subscriptions need to be verified with an API key found in READy Manager. API Access utilises HTTPS, meaning that the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is used to encrypt standard HTTP requests and responses. With API Access, data is also encrypted during transfer with SSL certificates.
How is sensitive data managed through API Access?
All data managed through API Access is handled in the same secure way. For an introduction to how data is secured, see the answer to “Is API Access secure?” above.
How do I get started with API access?
API Access is an add-on to READy Manager, and to get started, you need to reach out to your Kamstrup sales representative and order access. To begin building your own solutions with API Access, we suggest you read through our how-to guide called “Get started with API Access” and check out our online documentation: EU & US.
What are the prerequisites to start using API Access?
Four easy steps need to be taken for you to start using API Access: (1) You need to be a Kamstrup READy-hosted customer; (2) You need an active email and phone number; (3) You need an active server if you want to use webhooks; and (4) You need to have software development capabilities in-house, or partner with someone who has them as Kamstrup does not deliver consultancy services related to the API.
Read more in the datasheet called “READy – API Access”.
How can API Access help streamline internal workflows?
API Access enables software developers to automate various tasks across systems and applications. This can help improve, for instance, billing workflows as computers rather than people perform tasks which allows you to achieve more efficient and effective workflows by reducing manual errors and cutting costs.
Once I develop my solution, can I test it on non-production data?
API Access enables software developers to automate various tasks across systems and applications. This can help improve, for instance, billing workflows as computers rather than people perform tasks which allows you to achieve more efficient and effective workflows by reducing manual errors and cutting costs.
Is the new API Access sandbox, “API Access – Development Environment”, included in my API Access or READy subscription?
No. The API Access sandbox is a standalone product. This means that it comes with its own separate price and contractual terms. Reach out to your Kamstrup sales representative to order access.
Can I get a trial period on API Access before I decide whether I want to buy it?
No. At Kamstrup, we do not offer any form of API Access trials. However, if you decide to buy a subscription, remember that the subscription can always be cancelled.
Can I test new features or upcoming versions of the READy API Access before they are launched?
No. Currently, this is not possible. Features and new versions can first be used when officially released to all API customers.
What will happen when I order API Access?
The first thing that will happen after you order API Access is that you must sign a supplementary agreement containing information about the delivery of API Access and what you can expect. Then, you will receive your tenant ID and client ID via email and your client secret via SMS.
Is the client secret the same as the key found in READy Manager?
No. Your client secret is a piece of information you receive via SMS when you order API Access. The API key in READy Manager is a unique key used to verify webhooks.
Do I need to activate a license when I buy API Access as I did with other Kamstrup software products?
No. All you need to do is to start using the tenant ID, client ID, client secret, and API key when you get them from us.
If one of the info code endpoints returns a list of strings, what can I expect to receive?
By contacting Kamstrup support, you can get a list of possible returned strings in .xml format.
Apart from smart meters from Kamstrup, my distribution network includes pressure sensors from Kamstrup. Can data from these be transferred via API Access?
Yes. If the pressure sensor is from Kamstrup and the unit’s measurements end up in READy as regular readings, which they should do by default, then there should be no problem extracting this data via API Access. If you experience problems, use the service desk to submit a support ticket.
In the API Access Swagger documentation, some endpoints contain /v1/ while others contain /v2/. Is one better than the other?
/v1/ and /v2/ are part of our versioning strategy. The /v2/ endpoints can be seen as a new way to get the same data as is available via the /v1/ endpoints. However, in most cases, the /v2/ endpoints are more straightforward in terms of what must happen in the READy backend for the API to fetch the requested data. Thus, both versions can be used, but /v2/ will most likely provide better stability.
What endpoints do I need to use to authenticate myself?
If you ever stumble upon different authentication endpoints, this is the one to use: https://signon.kamstrup.com/token.
What is API Access? The (short) technical explanation
READy API Access is a RESTful Application Programming Interface (API) that can be used to programmatically create apps and services and perform other tasks that could previously only be accomplished within Kamstrup’s software suite. API Access supports regular REST requests and webhooks and is only available to customers hosted in Kamstrup’s hosting environment (at an additional cost).
Do you have examples of how other utilities use API Access?
Different utilities use API Access for different things. Still, some of the significant use cases that we see are:
- Using API Access to build an in-house data warehouse to create the best possible data foundation
- Using API Access to integrate READy with the billing system to ensure billing conformity
- Using API Access to enable the usage of third-party meter exchange tools to update meter exchanges in READy automatically
- Using API access to integrate data into consumer portals or consumer applications, so these are automatically updated with the newest information
What are the overall benefits of API Access?
There are several benefits to using API Access. The significant advantages are:
- Make READy interoperable with other systems
- Automate manual processes
- Rely on the newest data and alarms
- Reflect changes from one system back into READy
- Securely transfer data between systems
- Get your software developers started quickly
What is the difference between a REST request and a webhook?
In standard request-response REST APIs, data is served upon request, making them reactive. That means that they react upon request but typically do nothing on their own without prompting from the user. On the other hand, a webhook is event-driven, which means it allows one system to send data to another as soon as a given event takes place.
Is API Access secure?
Yes. API Access supports delegated OAuth2 access, which means that all external service calls must include a valid OAuth2 authentication token as a Bearer Token. Authentication tokens check that users are who they claim to be and that they have access rights for the specific API call they are trying to use. The token is created based on a tenant ID, a client ID, and a client secret. Additionally, webhooks/subscriptions need to be verified with an API key found in READy Manager. API Access utilises HTTPS, meaning that the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is used to encrypt standard HTTP requests and responses. With API Access, data is also encrypted during transfer with SSL certificates.
How is sensitive data managed through API Access?
All data managed through API Access is handled in the same secure way. For an introduction to how data is secured, see the answer to “Is API Access secure?” above.
How do I get started with API access?
API Access is an add-on to READy Manager, and to get started, you need to reach out to your Kamstrup sales representative and order access. To begin building your own solutions with API Access, we suggest you read through our how-to guide called “Get started with API Access” and check out our online documentation: EU & US.
What are the prerequisites to start using API Access?
Four easy steps need to be taken for you to start using API Access: (1) You need to be a Kamstrup READy-hosted customer; (2) You need an active email and phone number; (3) You need an active server if you want to use webhooks; and (4) You need to have software development capabilities in-house, or partner with someone who has them as Kamstrup does not deliver consultancy services related to the API.
Read more in the datasheet called “READy – API Access”.
How can API Access help streamline internal workflows?
API Access enables software developers to automate various tasks across systems and applications. This can help improve, for instance, billing workflows as computers rather than people perform tasks which allows you to achieve more efficient and effective workflows by reducing manual errors and cutting costs.
Once I develop my solution, can I test it on non-production data?
Kamstrup offers a product called “API Access – Development Environment”, which you can buy to test out your solutions before implementation in your live system. The primary benefit is that this product allows you to write and test your code without messing up production data. Reach out to your Kamstrup sales representative to hear more.
Is the new API Access sandbox, “API Access – Development Environment”, included in my API Access or READy subscription?
No. The API Access sandbox is a standalone product. This means that it comes with its own separate price and contractual terms. Reach out to your Kamstrup sales representative to order access.
Can I get a trial period on API Access before I decide whether I want to buy it?
No. At Kamstrup, we do not offer any form of API Access trials. However, if you decide to buy a subscription, remember that the subscription can always be cancelled.
Can I test new features or upcoming versions of the READy API Access before they are launched?
No. Currently, this is not possible. Features and new versions can first be used when officially released to all API customers.
What will happen when I order API Access?
The first thing that will happen after you order API Access is that you must sign a supplementary agreement containing information about the delivery of API Access and what you can expect. Then, you will receive your tenant ID and client ID via email and your client secret via SMS.
Is the client secret the same as the key found in READy Manager?
No. Your client secret is a piece of information you receive via SMS when you order API Access. The API key in READy Manager is a unique key used to verify webhooks.
Do I need to activate a license when I buy API Access as I did with other Kamstrup software products?
No. All you need to do is to start using the tenant ID, client ID, client secret, and API key when you get them from us.
If one of the info code endpoints returns a list of strings, what can I expect to receive?
By contacting Kamstrup support, you can get a list of possible returned strings in .xml format.
Apart from smart meters from Kamstrup, my distribution network includes pressure sensors from Kamstrup. Can data from these be transferred via API Access?
Yes. If the pressure sensor is from Kamstrup and the unit’s measurements end up in READy as regular readings, which they should do by default, then there should be no problem extracting this data via API Access. If you experience problems, use the service desk to submit a support ticket.
In the API Access Swagger documentation, some endpoints contain /v1/ while others contain /v2/. Is one better than the other?
/v1/ and /v2/ are part of our versioning strategy. The /v2/ endpoints can be seen as a new way to get the same data as is available via the /v1/ endpoints. However, in most cases, the /v2/ endpoints are more straightforward in terms of what must happen in the READy backend for the API to fetch the requested data. Thus, both versions can be used, but /v2/ will most likely provide better stability.
What endpoints do I need to use to authenticate myself?
If you ever stumble upon different authentication endpoints, this is the one to use:
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