Water loss
Cost management

Water loss in service connections

Smart water meters with built in acoustic leakage detection lets you monitor your service connections for possible leakages.

Water loss in service connections

Annual cost of leakages in service connections

Total water loss (m3/year)
* Loss in service connections (%)
* Cost per distributed m3 water (EUR)

Potential savings

Current annual cost (EUR/year)
* Reduced water loss (%)

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Proof points

Real life innovation and the value of collaboration

A development project in close collaboration with Skanderborg Utility has provided new knowledge on the sound and noise generated by leaks in the distribution network. This has formed the basis for new and innovative leak detection in Kamstrup’s newest water meter, which Skanderborg Utility expects will create considerable value.

What if your meters could hear, the leaks you cannot see?

Now, you can let every smart water meter work for you to help locate leaks and create an unprecedented transparency in your distribution network. Acting like a fine-meshed network of noise loggers, the flowIQ® 2200 water meters listen to the distribution lines and service connections to detect leakages.

Related calculations

Water loss in service connections

Annual cost of leakages in service connections

Total water loss (m3/year)
* Loss in service connections (%)
* Cost per distributed m3 water (EUR)

Potential savings

Current annual cost (EUR/year)
* Reduced water loss (%)

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*Company is required
* Postal code is required
* City is required
* Country is required
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* Province/territory is required