Metering as a Service
Discover the turnkey approach to modernize infrastructure, maximize cash flow, de-risk operations, and optimize resources

Flexible Solutions to Equip Utilities for the Future
The water industry is undergoing an intense period of change. Between the digital revolution and increasing regulatory and consumer pressures, all the way to climate and resource unpredictability, utilities are being squeezed in every direction. Yet, as utilities consider the systematic and institutional upgrades needed to advance, many organizations struggle to reconcile the benefits with the cost and the complexity of the solutions. Too many utilities are being forced into a future that looks a lot like their past.
The future of water management requires cross-functional, inclusive solutions that enable all utilities to advance equally. Kamstrup services are designed to break down barriers to entry, to rethink the water industry. Kamstrup services looks outside the water industry for collaborative, creative solutions to equip utilities with a growth path towards financial and operational sustainability.
Introducing Metering as a Service
Introducing Metering-as-a-Service (MaaS), an offering by Sustainability Partners in conjunction with Kamstrup. MaaS is designed to help utilities transition to AMI quickly, successfully and economically. This innovative new model enables utilities to transition to, or upgrade existing, AMI with no up-front cost and immediate positive cash flow.

The Freedom to Focus on What Matters
Under this innovative approach to infrastructure pricing, delivery, on-going maintenance and support, utilities pay a monthly per-meter fee and receive a hassle-free service and performance guarantees. And if the product is not working or defective? Payments for that service are suspended until the defective or malfunctioning service is repaired and verified functional.
Imagine what your utility could do with those savings and operational efficiencies. Imagine what your utility can accomplish when your workforce can reallocate their time and attention to issues like finding system leaks and lowering non-revenue water loss.

The Benefits of MaaS
- - No upfront capital costs
- - Immediate cash flow
- - Turnkey AMI solution deployment
- - Hassle-free service with performance guarantee
- - No payments for defective or malfunctioning products
- - Maintenance-free, managed solution
- - Redirect resources to core issues such as resolving non-revenue water issues